25mm Cat Eyes Glass Marbles Ball / Toy Glass Marbles


Cat Eyes Glass Marbles

Cat Eyes Glass Marbles

Cat Eyes Glass Marbles Ball are usually children’s toys. Some are used for decoration, flower pots, fireplaces, fish tanks, swimming pools, etc. It can also be used as a gift to friends, elders and children.If a child has a large box of cat eyes glass balls, he must be particularly popular with children.

Cat Eyes Glass Marbles Ball is a clear glass machine-made marble with the traditional cat’s eye design trapped inside, with multiple canes of colour trapped in the centre.

This is the marble design that most people remember from when they were kids. Come in assorted colours so you may not get the colour combination pictured.

Cat Eyes Glass Marbles Ball usually have three colors or eight colors. This one has three colors, and the color band in the middle is larger and more obvious.If you like eight colors of cat eyes glass marbles, we also have them.


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